Media Organizer is a free web service where you can build and optionally share an online catalog of all your media (such as books, CD's, DVD's etc.) and get in touch with persons with similar interests and tastes.
Media Organizer has three aims;
- organize your media
- let other people know your interests and tastes through your media catolog
- get in contact with persons with similar interests and tastes
Media can be classified according to the following information types:
- Encyclopedia or Dictionary
- Book Non-Fiction
- Book Fiction
- Article
- Article (Encyc. or Dict)
- Presentation Slides
- Index
- Note
- Audio Radio Channel
- Audio Talk
- Audio Reading
- Audio Music
- Audio Performance
- Video Fiction
- Video Non-Fiction
- Video Documentary
- Video Music
- Video TV Channel
- Pictures Art
- Pictures Documentary
- Web Blog
- Web Service / Tool
- Web Page
- Web Site
- Play List
Media Organizer is also a social network as it allows anyone to get in contact with suitable persons. In fact, users can send messages to one another by means of the anonymous internal mailing system.
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: amicizia, conoscenza reciproca, scambio di idee, interazione per hobby, giochi, sport, viaggi ecc., interazione per suonare, cantare, ballare etc., scambi linguistici, aiuto reciproco, consigli, lavoro, clienti, coabitazione, cohousing, scambio di abitazioni, car pooling, collaborazione imprenditoriale, collaborazione intellettuale, tutoraggio, relazione amorosa durevole, relazione amorosa occasionale, ecc.
Signing up to Media Organizer is anonymous and free of charge.
For every registered user, a public web page containing some personal data and your media catalog is automatically created, with a web address that can be shared. However, the user can set the page as invisible, if so wished. Furthermore, it is possible to set each single medium as public or private.